Masters of the Universe Battleground
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MotU Battleground - Wave 3: Evil Warriors Faction

The Stench of Evil
Something is coming. You can smell it, but you wish you couldn't. You can hear the mighty tail whips and hope they won't get any louder. New Evil Warriors are entering the battleground, and defeat is not an option this time! These villains will stop at nothing to achieve victory. They are even willing to use the smelliest substances in the universe to...

MotU Battleground - Wave 3: Masters of the Universe Faction

Mysterious Duo
The most heroic of the spies joins forces with the most mysterious warrior. Is there anything that such a duo cannot achieve? There is only one way to find out – on the battleground, facing armies of the evilest villains to walk Eternia! It's good that our heroes bring a new weapon strong enough to turn walls into smoking craters.

MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Evil Warriors Faction

Terror and Wildness!
Skeletor appears on the battlefield and summons the terror-awakening evil ghost, Scareglow, from the dimension of Infinita along with his trusted henchman, the wild Beast Man. He will provide his allies with teleports to facilitate movement around the arena.

Enemies! Tremble at the new plan of the Lord of Destruction! Myehehehe!

MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction

Two Generations of Sorceresses

The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength!
From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome!
